The way to introduce you to the terrific game of 30-ball bingo is to describe the structure of the game card. Each 30-ball bingo card is essentially a condensed version of the 75-ball bingo card, and consists of a grid containing:
- 3 Rows
- 3 Columns
- 9 Numbers
To make marking easy and straightforward, each respective column contains a set of number values:
- The first column contains numbers 1-10
- The second column contains numbers 11-20
- The third column contains numbers 21-30.
30-Ball Bingo
30-ball bingo is the new kid on the bingo block – a rapid, quick-fire game design that’s taking the bingo community by storm. Adopting the same principles and rules as the 75-ball and 90-ball games,which are far more common in the world of bingo, 30-ball bingo differs from those versions by offering considerably fewer number values, a higher rate of player involvement and an improved chance of picking up a valuable win with a full house.
Bingo has come a long way over the past few years. For decades, it remained a hugely popular numbers game that was held in exclusive playing halls, and whilst these bingo arenas continue to exist around the world, there are now some different varieties of the game that players can participate in – both on land and online.
Distinctions between different categories of bingo are made based on the appearance of the game card used for playing, and the amount of number values involved during the draw. Playing bingo online gives players the luxury of choosing between the American-favoured 75-ball version of the game and the 90-ball game that the British love and treasure. Now there’s also a third version available at 888ladies. A version that’s different to its higher-ball counterparts in new and exciting ways. A version known as 30-ball bingo or speed bingo.
30-Ball Bingo – How To Play
30-ball bingo gets the adrenaline pumping in ways you never thought possible, accentuating the tension, thrills and riveting traits that have made this game such a global phenomenon since its inception hundreds of years ago. The small amount of number values included in 30-ball bingo mean that a single game is over in just a few minutes – which allows players to play multiple times within the space of half an hour.
Bingo isn’t a difficult game to get to grips with, and that goes doubly for this latest version. While 30-ball bingo is a newer bingo category that has been tweaked and tailored specifically for online game play, the key principles of classic bingo remain resolutely in place.
Same Old Bingo…But With A Twist
30-ball bingo operates on exactly the same basis as previous versions of the game that’s been played in halls for many generations: the first person to complete a winning pattern of numbers wins. It’s still a game of chance, and it’s still a game that absolutely anybody (over the age of 18) can play to win some fabulous cash prizes.
A typical game of bingo (land-based or online) begins with a player picking up a bingo ticket or strip. This can be done by selecting a ticket that contains some of your favourite lucky numbers or allowing the system to simply generate a ticket or two for you. When playing 30-ball bingo, you can pick up a strip by clicking the “Get New Strip” option, or alternatively select the “Auto Select Strips” box for the software to randomly generate one.
After opting-in by purchasing a number of bingo tickets, card-sales stop and the ball-wheel starts spinning. Numbers are then drawn randomly. If a player has one of the numbers on one of their cards, they can go ahead and mark that number off – a process frequently known as “daubing”. Online versions of bingo – including the 888ladies 30-ball version -will do this for you if you desire.
For those who like things nice and simple, 30-ball bingo will be just their cup of tea. With this version of the game, there’s one way to win – and that’s by filling up your card. For those a little new to bingo, this is known as a “full house”.
That’s really all there is to it with 30-ball bingo. Find a full house, and see the cash come flooding into your account.
The 30-Ball Bingo Game Card
The simplicity of the 30-ball bingo card allows amateur players to pick up the rules of the game quickly, while providing veteran game players with some welcome relief from the dizzying selection of different values that have the potential to pop up during the course of one session. With 30-ball bingo, all you need to do is fill out your 3×3 card with nine little numbers and you’ve won yourself a prize.
Online Bingo – One of the Best Possible Versions of The World’s Favourite Numbers Game
The game of bingo has moved into exciting new territory in recent years. Whilst the game remains as popular as ever in bingo halls around the country, the evolution of high-speed internet connections has ensured that bingo has found itself a second home on online gaming sites. Playing bingo online has numerous advantages and 30-ball bingo is especially suited to the world of web gaming. Here are a few reasons why:
Improved Social Experience
Keeping up in a game of land-based bingo can be a little tricky even for a bingo fanatic and missing even a single number being announced is all too easy. You may end up roaring “BINGO!” at the top of your lungs in a fruitless attempt to be heard, but if you’ve shouted too late – you won’t get the cash prize. This is why bingo halls are filled with hushed tones and muffled voices. Heading to bingo with your friends and family may seem like a great place to catch up with one another, but you’ll attract some fearsome glares if you natter on while the announcer is shouting out the numbers. During online bingo, the social potential of the game is unlocked and unleashed. You can chat away to fellow online members, share your enthusiasm when you pick up a win, and even make a few new friends in the process.
Never Miss A Number
But what if all this talking leads to you missing a number? Not likely. Online 30-ball bingo at 888ladies involves automatically-generated daubing, which means that the computer gaming software will scratch off your numbers for you. You’ll never have to worry about raising a quivering hand to ask the announcer to repeat him or herself ever again.
What’s that?
You like daubing yourself? That’s fine too! The 30-ball bingo game on offer at 888ladies has a settings tab that you can open to alter your preferences. If you’d like to note down your own numbers – simply uncheck the “autodaub” box.
PLEASE NOTE: Whether you choose to daub your own numbers or not, your win will not be compromised. If you have the numbers that roll up on screen – you’ll win what you’re entitled to. It really is as simple as that. Even the most efficient internet connections can fail from time to time, and if this ever happens to you, the system will daub for you to make sure you don’t lose a penny.
Convenience: Bingo on the Go
Playing bingo used to be an activity that required meticulous planning. Not anymore. Online 30-ball bingo allows players to play multiple games in a matter of minutes wherever they are in the world – all through the use of smartphone/tablet technology. Bingo on the go is a terrific way to pass time on long journeys and with 30-ball bingo you can fit in numerous games and win all kinds of cash prizes just by tapping away on your smartphone or tablet. If your train journey costs you a pretty penny, you can join a game of 30-ball bingo on your portable device and earn the fare back in a matter of seconds.
What’s Different About 30-Ball Bingo?
75-ball and 90-ball bingo offers a thrilling game play experience, however, for certain players the drawn-out process of these games can be somewhat taxing. These forms of bingo require you to specifically set time aside in order to play, with each gaming session holding the potential to eat into the hours of your day. Don’t get us wrong, we’re always up for a lengthy, exhilarating game of bingo –and we have a sneaky feeling that you are too. Unfortunately, life happens,and sometimes there simply isn’t enough time to sit out an entire bingo session from beginning to end. With 30-ball bingo, that is never an issue. You can get in, get paid, and get out in just a few seconds.
So where does 30-ball bingo have the edge on the bigger ball games? Why leave the comfort zone of 75-ball and 90-ball bingo to take a punt on the new bingo category that’s creeping up all over the internet?
Faster Pace: Fewer number values involved means that balls are drawn at a faster rate – ensuring a highly immersive gameplay experience that’s constantly producing new winners at regular intervals. If you don’t win on one game, it’ll only be a matter of seconds before you get the opportunity to win on another.
Constant Involvement In The Action: With 30-ball bingo, you’re always involved in the action. There aren’t too many number values to choose from, meaning that your odds of picking up numbers are severely diminished, while your chances of winning are boosted.
Remarkably Easy: Got all the called nine numbers on your game card? BINGO! You’ve just won a bundle of money. 30-ball bingo is remarkably easy to get involved with, extremely simple to understand and even easier to win on.
Simply put, 30-ball bingo is all about offering players no-nonsense, rapid-fire game play which creates the opportunity to pick up several big bundles of cash in a significantly short period.
Why Haven’t I heard of 30-Ball Bingo Before?
Unlike 75-ball bingo and 90-ball bingo, 30-ball bingo isn’t something that all online casino players are intimately familiar with. It’d be easy to consider this as a bit of a tragedy, but we’re not glass half-empty people here at 888ladies. Given how you’re reading this page and researching a new, exciting brand of bingo – we’re guessing that you aren’t either. No, 30-ball bingo isn’t the most popular form of the world’s favourite numbers game – but it’s a fresh, exciting new version that’s recruiting new players by the bucket-load every single day. It’s the next big thing in terms of online gaming, and everyone is itching to become a part of it.
30-Ball Bingo In A Nutshell
Here are the main facts about 30-ball bingo broken down for you so that you know exactly what you’ll be getting when you decide to play for the first time:
- Big Cash Prizes
- Multiple Wins In A Short Space Of Time.
- Opportunities For Quick Games.
- A Great Way To Earn Fast Cash.
- Refreshing, Exciting Gameplay At Adrenaline-Pumping Speeds.
- Opportunities To Socialise With Other Players And Make New Friends In A Warm, Welcoming Community.
- An Insight Into The Revolutionary Side Of New Bingo.
- Constant Involvement, Constant Action.
Get involved with the electrifying new brand of bingo at 888ladies and start getting your hands on some terrific cash prizes while having a terrific time in the process. 30-ball bingo is classic bingo but at breakneck speeds – churning out new draws at super-swift rates allowing players to win multiple games in just a few minutes of their time. Perfectly suited to the fast-paced nature of online gaming, the advanced software guarantees that you’ll never miss a number during play. If you have all nine numbers – you get the prize you’re entitled to. There’s no need to be bogged down in game play strategies or tactics here. Everything about 30-ball bingo is fantastically fast and superbly simple. All you need to do is pick a strip and play.Become a part of the 30-ball bingo community today, and change your online playing habits forever.