Introducing 52-5 Ball Bingo, a reimagined version of the classic bingo game. Are you ready to try your hand?

Bingo 52 - 5 ball


While 52-5 Ball Bingo shares some of the same features as the classic 90 and 75-ball Bingo, including the purchase of a ticket, or hand, to begin, and the use of a chip to cover each round called, this brand new game uses playing cards rather than bingo balls. As the name suggests each hand uses five cards from the possible 52 in a pack, which are revealed to players as soon as their ticket has been purchased. As the game progresses the caller will announce cards randomly; players should then mark any matching cards with a chip. As with the classic game, the first player to cover all of the cards on their ticket is the winner.

The Game

There is just one winning pattern during a game of 52-5 Ball Bingo, the Full House, which occurs when all five cards on at least one purchased hand have been covered with chips; players should look out for the word, ‘BINGO’ appearing within their placed chips to indicate a win; sounds simple enough, right? In most cases the size of a game’s payout will be determined by the cost per hand, and the number of players that have joined each game; a higher prize will be awarded as more players enter the game. Occasionally, though, a fixed price prize will be offered, regardless of the number of players, or the cost of their hands. In addition, extra jackpots can, and will be offered, during a select number of games – well worth looking out for. Once your ticket, or multiple hands, has been purchased it’s time to wait for the game to begin; as there’s a new game starting every few minutes you’ll never be too far away from the next play.

A Few Rules

Players are required to purchase at least one hand in order to participate in a game of 52-5 Ball Bingo, and a maximum of five tickets may be bought during any one instance. The price per ticket will be the same per game, and available to view prior to the purchase of your ticket. For added security each ticket features a unique identifier, a number by which it can be identified should you have any queries. This can be viewed beside the ticket itself, or in your player’s account within the website.

Worried that you’ve missed a call? Each random card called during the game will be displayed upon a calling board. Players will also be able to monitor who they’re playing alongside, the available jackpots, and a tutorial on how to play.

What about progressive jackpots? Some 52-5 Ball Bingo games will offer a progressive jackpot, which will continue to rise depending upon the number of players and the hands bought. This particular jackpot can be won if a player achieved a Full House in a certain number of calls, or less.

The end of the game

Each round of 52-5 Ball Bingo will continue until a player, or multiple players, receives a Full House on their card.
At this point the game will finish and the jackpot will be awarded to a single player, or divided between a number of winners if there is more than one; the rules for awarding the jackpot may alter between games, and so it is worth having a look prior to the commencement of each round.