You may be wondering how is it possible, for someone to win at bingo after the game has been won? Some players were waiting on 1tg and 2tg to win the game, but someone else won it. So, how can 1tg and 2tg players be winners? It does sound very confusing, but it’s a well known fact that sometimes, you can still be a winner, even if you lose at bingo. You may be asking yourself at this stage, ‘How can that be’? So, let’s explain all the details now.

Some online bingo sites will set aside EXTRA money, so that players who are waiting on 1tg or 2tg to win the full house game, will still win some sort of prize money. The money could be small or even large amounts, and these are shared between all 1tg and 2tg players. The extra funds are normally paid to players, who have been waiting on 1tg or 2tg for the full house game only.

Definition Of 1TG And 2TG Winners

1tg bingo players, mean all players who have only 1 number left on their card, at the time when the bingo game has been called. 2tg players mean all players who only have 2 numbers left to cross off on their cards, when the bingo game has been won.

How Does 1TG and 2TG Work

Imagine the full house game has just been won, and you were only waiting on 2tg to win the game. The disappointment can make you lose heart, and might make you want to stop playing. But if you’re playing at an online bingo site, that offers money to 1tg and 2tg players, then you will win a share of the prize pool. Please view an example below:

The Facts

  • The full house game has been won.
  • 48 players were waiting on 1tg to win the game.
  • 72 players were left waiting on 2tg to win.
  • The prize pool is £250 and will be SHARED between all 1tg and 2tg winners.

How To Find A Site That Offers 1TG And 2TG Money

  1. The best way to do your research is to head straight to Google, type in ‘Online Bingo Sites That Offer 1tg and 2tg” you should then get a full list of sites, that will offer this option.

  2. The next thing to do is check them all out, one by one. You won’t need to spend any money, while doing your research, because you will just be checking the online bingo sites, to see if they have 1tg and 2tg on offer. You might want to check the prize pool amounts, that are on offer for 1tg and 2tg winners too.

  3. Check at least 10 bingo sites on your check list, then select the one that offers the most money to 1tg and 2tg players. Please keep in mind, that even though they may offer the most money, you will have to check out the site rules, and make sure the wagering rules aren’t too high. You don’t want to be wasting your time spending money on a site, that might never allow you withdraw cash to your bank account, because the wagering rules were too high.

  4. Check out the wagering rules first, and if the rules are only X2 on deposit and bonus, and they offer 1tg and 2tg rewards, then this will probably be the bingo home for you!

With the overcrowded online bingo market, as it is today, it’s never easy to choose a site that meets your budget, and one that gives players extra money even if they lose. So, in order to make sure you find the right site, that offers 1tg and 2tg players this extra money, follow my list of tips below:

  • Do Your Research: Go to Google find the top ten online bingo sites, that offer 1tg and 2tg players, that all important bingo money, even if they lose the game.

  • Check Out The Wagering Rules: While searching through the sites, check out their wagering rules, and make sure they are no more than X2 your deposit plus your bonus. If they are X2 and you win at bingo, then it is more than likely that you will be able to cash out.

  • Sum It All Up: One bingo site might offer a large amount of money, to their players who are waiting on 1tg and 2tg, to win the full house bingo game. But their wagering rules are high, so, you wouldn’t want to deposit on a site like this. This is because it would be near impossible to withdraw your winnings to your bank.

  • Best Bingo Option: Once you have found the site that offers 1tg and 2tg players money, and the wagering is only X2 your deposit plus your bonus, then you should have an easy and straight forward withdrawal (If you win). This will more than likely be the site for you, and hopefully you will be a winner!

How To Better Your Chances At Winning

To be able to have a greater chance of winning while waiting on 1tg and 2tg at bingo, it’s always best to buy as many cards as possible. It’s a well known fact, that the more you buy, then the bigger your chance will be of winning. You don’t need to buy maximum cards to win, but if you buy at least 12-24 cards for each game, then you are sure to be in with a good chance of winning a share of that 1tg and 2tg prize pool.

So, if you have joined an online bingo site, that offers extra money to 1tg or 2tg players, you should never feel disappointed again, because if you’re waiting on 1tg or 2tg, then your guaranteed a win. Even though you didn’t win the potential full house prize, at least you will win a smaller amount. Now, this might not be as satisfying as winning the larger bingo prize, but it’s better than nothing! It only takes one card to win the bingo game, and even the smallest amount of bingo cash, could potentially make you a BIG cash winner!