The Ultimate Bingo and Slots Guide
What to Expect from this Guide
Bingo has evolved, and millions of us enjoy playing it online. So we wrote this guide to give you overall enlightenment about the game you play, love and use as a pastime activity. In this guide, you can expect to learn about bingo, slots and the entirety of the game. Starting from where Bingo originated to where bingo is heading– and even how to get or make the most out of playing Bingo.
Who is This Guide For?
Whether you are an organization, beginner or experienced aficionado of Bingo, you will find something in this guide that ticks the box next to the question(s) you have long sought to answer. We wrote this guide, not only to educate you on just playing Bingo or Slots but also to provide you a sense of responsibility and strategy. We want to show you how to benefit from indulging in Bingo. Even if you are an organization of some sort or individual seeking to reward yourself financially, you will find help in this guide.
Why You Should Read this Guide
There’s a lot to learn and so much to benefit from and within this guide, you will come across a few situations that you may relate to. And would have benefited from if you had the answers or knowledge beforehand. That being said, Bingo is an activity you can introduce to your friends and colleagues, so you wouldn’t want to be short of answers when being quizzed on something relating to your favorite pastime activity. So let’s get started!

The Evolution of Bingo
The Evolution of bingo started a while back and had since become something of a phenomenon. Let’s take a look at bingo, starting from the understanding of what Bingo is and where it came from, to its rise and decline due to smoking laws. Then covering the many nicknames it has acquired over the years.
1.1 The Rise of Bingo
It is hard to imagine life without Bingo. Bingo has been celebrated for more than 500 years and during that time, Bingo has taken a few hits. At the same time, Bingo has seen a massive rise in people heading to bingo sites to land their first win. In this section, we look at how bingo has grown from being played in halls, to going mainstream and being available online.
1.2 What is Bingo?
Heard about this fun social game and decided to get involved? Well, we will tell you everything you need to know! In this section, you will learn what Bingo is and get a look at how Bingo is active amongst millions of people around the world.
1.3 How Did Bingo Start?
Wondering who were the first ones to discover Bingo? This section explains where the game originated and who the original adopters were. From this section, you will also find the history of law changes that affected the game.
1.4 How Bingo Has changed Over The Years?
Bingo is forever changing with more people playing now than ever. You can expect even more new nicknames, slangs, and even laws to pop up that will further shape the Bingo landscape. In this section, we look at how bingo has changed over the years. Looking at nicknames and laws that were relaxed, allowing the game to grow even bigger.
1.5 The Smoking Ban & Bingo Halls
Yes, the smoking ban had a big effect on Bingo Halls. Not everyone agreed with it, but it was enforced. It had its impact on Bingo and changed the game forever. In this section, we take a look at how the smoking laws affected the bingo halls. And the rush to find a new means for bingo operators to continue to support the growing demand for the game.
1.6 The Birth Of Online Bingo
The internet is an excellent tool and has equipped players of Bingo with easy access to their favorite pastime. This guide wouldn’t be much if we did not take a look at the birth of Bingo online. In this section, we look at the birth of online bingo, how it has changed and allowed even a larger audience of people to take up the activity with easy access.
Bingo Games in-depth Guide
Bingo is fun, exciting and easy to play. Learning more about the games that are available can enhance your chances of winning as well as advance your sense of choice. Within this chapter, you can expect to pick up information on various Bingo games such as 75 Ball, 90 Ball, 5 Line, 80 Ball and 30 Bingo.
2.1 Types of Bingo Games
There are a few types of Bingo games to choose from. Not all are the same. Some of us have the preconception of Bingo being a game, where we all gather around, listen out for the caller to announce numbers while players start to mark their cards. This is true, but still there are a few different types of Bingo games in which you can get yourself involved. This section works as an introduction to the types of Bingo games played and the types of bingo games that are popular around the world.
2.2 Bingo U-Pick Them
Being built on the instincts of purely choosing of lucky numbers, you could somewhat find this game being just the one for you. In this section, we introduce you to Bingo U-Pick Them. Starting from, what Bingo U-Pick Them is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.3 Bingo Bonanza
Been hearing a bit about Bingo Bonanza and want to learn more about this popular game or even to advance your knowledge base? In this section, we introduce you to Bingo Bonanza. Starting from, what Bingo Bonanza is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.4 Stallion Race Bingo
Another fun game that accommodates multiple players at a given time and also known as Horse Racing Bingo. In this section, we introduce you to Stallion Race Bingo. Starting from, what Stallion Race Bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.5 Passing Bingo
A reversed game where a competitor that acquires a bingo is knocked out, of and removed from, the game. In this section, we introduce you to Passing Bingo. Starting from, what Passing Bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.6 75 Ball
As somebody interested in Bingo, you have probably heard of 75 Ball. Well if you would like to learn and know more, then you have stumbled into the right place. In this section, we introduce you to the 75 Ball Bingo. Starting from, what 75 ball bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.7 90 Ball
Every Bingo game has its story, and the same can be said about 90 Ball. In this section, we introduce you to 90 Ball Bingo. Starting from, what 90 ball bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.8 5 Line
Traditional to Swedish people, 5 Line Bingo is another of the many variations of Bingo and is usually referred to as Swedish Bingo. In this section, we introduce you to 5 Line Bingo. Starting from, what 5 Line Bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.9 80 Ball
80 Ball is the fourth main type of bingo game and loved by so many people from around the world. In this section, we introduce you to 80 Ball Bingo. Starting from, what 80 ball bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.10 30 Bingo
30 Ball is another fun Bingo game to get familiar with. It’s a multiplayer game where you and others can compete to complete the winning pattern on a bingo card. In this section, we introduce you to 30 Bingo. Starting from, what 30 Bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.11 Bonanza Bingo
Possibly one of the most played games of chance and highly entertaining within the Bingo community. In this section, we introduce you to Bingo Bonanza. Starting from, what Bingo Bonanza is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.12 Coverall Bingo
Known by a few nicknames such as Full Slot Bingo and others, Coverall Bingo is a popular game played by many in the UK. In this section, we introduce you to Coverall Bingo. Starting from, what Coverall Bingo is, how to play it and the rules associated with the game.
2.13 Bingo Shapes
You may come across the term “Bingo Shapes” or “Patterns” and as a newbie to Bingo, it is important you understand the meanings. In this section, we introduce you to Bingo Shapes; giving you a full rundown of the terminology to help you be more acquainted to Bingo.
2.14 Getting Started at Bingo
As a newbie to Bingo, it can somewhat be daunting, so we have put together a few pointers to help set you up for easy maneuvering around in the world of Bingo. Within this section of the guide, you will be able to pick up and learn a wealth of knowledge relating to anything Bingo.
Online Bingo
Bingo has evolved and with so many Bingo sites to choose from, we thought it right to go through what online bingo has to offer. Even if you are a converter coming from the Bingo Hall scene or someone new to playing bingo online. In this chapter, you will find the right information to get you started playing bingo online.
3.1 How to Choose an Online Bingo Site? (Reviews, payment methods, community secure, etc.)
Are you looking for a great place to start your Bingo journey? Look now further, within this guide, you will find very helpful information regarding anything Bingo and sites that offer the games you might want to take part in playing. In this section, you will learn how to select an online Bingo site that favors your gameplay. Fund your game, Play responsibly and position yourself within the Bingo community.
3.2 Free Bingo
Familiar with the term “Free Bingo”? Well, if not, you’re at the right place to learn more about it. There are quite a few Bingo games to indulge in, and we are happy to help you learn more about them. In this section, we cover what free Bingo entails, who to play and what free Bingo games are available for you.
3.3 Bingo Promotions
Everyone loves a good promotion, and that’s also the case for Bingo players. Locating the right ones can be somewhat daunting, so we have constructed a list and informative descriptions to help you familiarize yourself with a few Bingo promotions out there. In this section, you learn about what bingo promotions are and where you can find them.
3.4 Bingo bonuses
There are a few Bingo bonus games out there, and all are quite different. Knowing the best ones and where to access them can make a huge difference to your overall experience. In this section, you will learn about Bingo bonuses and where you can access them.
3.5 Bingo rooms
Bingo rooms are where the magic happens. Some may be new to this term, and this guide helps you learn all about Bingo rooms and choosing a Bingo room that is right for you. Also in this section you can find information on the many types of Bingo rooms available.
3.6 Bingo on the Go – Mobile Appearance
Playing Bingo on the go will be new to some of you. There are a few options to access Bingo games on your mobile device. In this section, we cover Bingo on the mobile and talk about how you can locate and download bingo game apps straight to your mobile device along with recommended titles.
3.7 Social Bingo
There are quite a few different types of Bingo games around, and you might have stumbled on Social Bingo as one that tickles your fancy. In this section, you will learn about what Social Bingo is, where to play Social Bingo, along with information and tips to get you acquainted with the game.
3.8 The Boom of Online Bingo
The rise of Bingo is discussed in this section of the guide. You can expect to read how the increase of people taking up Bingo has come about and the factors that have played a significant part in helping the boom to be possible.
Bingo Terminology
Understanding the terms being used during gameplay is crucial when keeping yourself in the loop with what is going on. So throughout this chapter, we will take you through the various terms and their meanings to get you acquainted and up to date. Also in this section, you will find a periodic table of different terms used, for you to learn and extend your vocabulary during bingo session.
4.1 The Bingo Caller and Bingo Calls
There could be a possibility you might already know a few bingo calls, even as a beginner to the game. In this section, you learn what Bingo callers are and the roles they play in a Bingo game.
4.2 Chat Lingo
The lingo being used depends on the particular chat room you enter, as some have their own lingo. But usually, it is the same language or term used across the board. In this section, we take you through the various names and expressions associated with Bingo chat rooms. Learning the languages can be useful if you are thinking of starting or joining in on active conversations occurring within a chatroom.
4.3 The Pocket Book Glossary
Sometimes it’s crucial you manage to pick up every term used during a bingo session. So, in this section, you will find a full glossary of the “Need to know” words, we think are vital to your progress during gameplay. So, keep your eyes open and be on the lookout.
Bingo Strategies
Having a strategy when playing or starting out can make one hell of a difference. Not every player has one, but those that do, are more likely to get more out of each game they play. So don’t be a player without one! Included in this chapter, you can expect to find out what makes a good strategy and ways to develop your winning one.
5.1 Odds and Statistics
Understanding odds in Bingo is not an impossible task; odds are by the number of cards you’re playing divided up by the total number of cards in play. In this section, you’ll learn about Bingo Odds & Statistics. We also point out how to identify Bingo Odds, which involve understanding Bingo Cards, the number of players as well as the theory of Bingo.
5.2 Budget Management
Budget management is something you should consider when playing any game that involves the outlay of money. In this section, you will learn how to set up a Bingo Budget, gain advice on playing your games diligently, keep a spending diary and useful information relating to managing your gameplay budget.
5.3 For Beginners
Starting out playing Bingo? Well, this is the right place for you! Not only is this guide the perfect place to learn everything you need to know but it offers some useful tips. In this section, you will be guided as a beginner. We introduce you to strategy development, which will help you progress at playing Bingo on a primary level.
5.4 For Intermediate Players
Feel that you’re no longer a beginner and want to move up the ranks of Bingo? Well, that being said, this is the right and perfect place for you to gain further information that will set you on that path. In this section, we aim to take you from beginner to Intermediate, providing you with valuable tips and information on how to advance your gameplay.
5.5 For Advanced Players
If you are an advanced Bingo player and pretty know much about everything to do with Bingo, you find this section of the guide to be right up your alley. In this section, we discuss Bingo on an advanced level with you, comparing a few of the bingo games available that have greater stakes and different playing options.
5.6 How to Play Responsibly
When gambling, you can either win as well as lose money. So this section of the guide is dedicated to educating you on how to play responsibly. In this section, you will learn about the problems of thinking of gambling as a way to make money. And how to avoid doing that, allocating money that you can afford to lose, avoid chasing losses, setting up a money limit, time limit and when to avoid gambling.
Bingo Tips
Tip or cheats, whatever you call them, we have a few to help you progress and hone in on your Bingo playing tactics. This chapter focuses on providing you with very useful information and guidance, allowing you to achieve and earn more from Bingo games you decide to play.
6.6 Playing hours
This guide offers some very useful information regarding the best times to get involved in a game of Bingo. Whether it is at night or day, you can be rest assured, you will be guided with great advice. In this section, we cover the best times to play Bingo where you are likely to do well during your gameplay.
6.7 Playing days
Some of us love to play Bingo as often as we can. But for those who are not familiar with when to play Bingo, this guide will enable you to put together a schedule as when to play. In this section, we cover the best days to play Bingo where you are likely to do well during your gameplay.
6.8 Best Use of Your Budget
The use of your budget plays a huge part when gaming. We believe you will get more out of each game if you caution yourself to play strictly to your budget. In this section, we talk about the best possible way to make use of your budget. Also, we introduce you to games that will suit your allocated budget.
6.9 Bingo Charms & Luck
There are some of us who think they have the magic touch while others believe charms will aid their gameplay. That being said, whatever you believe in, it’s entirely up to you. In this section, we go into the discussion of lucky charms that mentally help or spiritually enhance your performance as a player.
6.10 Tips to Help you Succeed
Our guide wouldn’t be as cool as it is if it did not aid you in being super successful during your gameplay. So you can expect some very useful and helpful tips to make the most of a game you play. In this section, you will find a whole host of advice to help your game. Such as how to avoid the crowds, playing multiple cards at a time and a few others.
The World of Bingo and Slots
It’s a wide world out there and Bingo, Slots and games play a huge part in many lives of those who indulge in this social activity across the world. Gaming is cool, fun and keeps the spirit alert. In this chapter, you can expect us to take you from the top to the bottom of Bingo and slots, including the history and what type of games are available to play.
7.1 Slots
Slots are fun and can pack a punch. This guide will enlighten you to about everything you need to know about them. In this section, you learn all about slots, including their history, when they became introduced to online Bingo, the many different types and preferable ones around.
7.2 Bonus Bingo Games
In this section, it’s all about bonus Bingo games. Starting from what are bonus Bingo games and a list of the types of bonus Bingo games that are currently around for you to play.
The Anatomy of Slots
Now it’s time to break slots down from when they came about and became a huge a part in online Bingo. In this chapter, you can be sure, that we will be taking your hand and lead you to the many different types of slots and how they came into existence.
8.1 Slots terminology
Knowing the right language can play an enormous part in understanding the game to a degree. In this section, we cover and teach you about the various languages used when playing slots and their meanings.
8.2 Types of Games Slots (Video Slots, Scratch Cards, Casino Games, Instant Games, Quiz Games)
There are various types of slots to choose to play. Knowing which ones will suit your gameplay, will allow you to enjoy the experience to the maximum. In this section, you will be able to find a list of slots forms along with descriptions to help you familiarize yourself with them.
8.3 What are The Best Slots for You?
It’s not always possible to determine which game is for you or the one that you will find compelling to play, so we have put together some insights to help you out. In this section, we show or indicate the slots, we feel will be ideal for you and fit your gameplay. Taking into consideration elements such as themes, edges and play lines.
8.4 Slots Odds and Statistics
The easier it is for a game to be figured out, the more likely the odds are bad. The same applies when referring to slots odds. It is usually wise to understand the elements surrounding each slot to increase your chances of winning. In this section, you’ll learn about Slot Odds & Statistics. We also cover the Myths and Facts around Slots, winning at Slots, Slot statistics and give you further advice for playing Slots.
8.5 Slot Strategy
Having a slot strategy, is far better than not having one. Whether you often play, occasionally or frequently, you are better off being prepared when getting into a session. In this section, you will learn about creating a Slot strategy, the difference between the classes of the slot and how to locate promotions, bonuses, and comps. As well as useful information on managing your overall gameplay.
8.6 The Most Popular Slot Games Of All Time
Ever wondered what are the most popular slots of all time? Well, look no further as we summarize upon the list of slots that shine above the rest. This section discusses and lists Slots that have remained popular until present.
Bingo for the Greater Good
Yeah, Bingo is here and to stay. You might just think of bingo as a relaxed social activity taken up by millions of people around the world. But did you know, bingo has and continues to play a huge part in fundraising activities for so many well-known charities? Read on and learn how Bingo can help you fundraise for a project or charity of your own.
9.1 Using Bingo to Fundraise (Race for life as an example and another example)
There are many ways to fundraise, but Bingo is just ideal if you’re targeting groups of individuals and want to add an element of social fun to it. Fundraising using Bingo has its advantages, as it is widely known, fun, friendly and extremely sociable. In this section, we let you know and give you an idea of how Bingo has contributed and can play a part in the greater good. We take you through ways and methods to fundraise using Bingo like a few of the charities mentioned in this section.
9.2 Why Bingo in its Essence is a Social Game
What makes Bing so social? Looking at the game and why so many people find it attractive amazes a few. You may even have heard someone in your family, say “I’m off to Bingo” with a friend or colleague. In this section, we discuss what makes Bingo so social.
What’s next for the future of bingo?
Now, getting to the end, let’s see where Bingo is predicted to be in the next ten years or maybe sooner. With so many avenues to access your favorite games, it seems more than likely we can expect Bingo and Slots to become ever more widespread and accessible to millions of players around the globe.
10.1 The Future of Bingo
This section is the final part of this chapter and the end of the guide, so we thought it necessary to look at Bingo and predict where Bingo is heading. How it will continue to evolve, become more accessible and other important factors that could determine its continued rise or fall.